Cafe Licences and Permits in Hong Kong

Starting your own cafe is not easy. As they focus on the logistics and the products, many entrepreneurs actually fall into the trap of operating their ventures without a licence. But do you know which licence you need to operate legally?

To operate a cafe properly, licences must be obtained from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD). Most novice cafe owners might think a General Restaurant Licence would suffice. However, apart from the three basic restaurant licences, there are six types of special licences and nine kinds of permits. Depending on the products and services you are offering, you might need additional licences or permits. The requirements for different licences also vary depending on the facilities and location of the shop. To ensure a smooth operation, it is of utmost importance that you rent a space that comes with required hardware.

To assist those who are passionate about the food and beverage world in Hong Kong, Lassana offers licence application service for coffee shops. As professional cafe consultants, we can advise you on the location and guide you through each step required to operate your own cafe legally.
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